Friday, August 31, 2007

What this is all about !

Cinderella'ing is a new verb :-) Brought to you by yours truly and courtesy of the WIProducers mailing-list.
The verb, and indeed this blog, is about doing the things Cinderella does before she meets "The Prince". Cleaning. Tidying. And all the rest.

Now, most quilters I know - myself included - have a constant struggle to keep their sewing-spaces tidy. And most quilters I know would much rather sew than they would spend time doing the boring chores of house-keeping.
Still, if house-keeping is avoided for any lenght of time, your sewing-space will be impossible to work in ! and this is the reason behind "Cinderella'ing"

What this blog will do is bring you somthing like a month's worth of challenges, all of which takes no more than 5 minutes ! that will bring you ... no ... not "That Perfect Studio", but at least slightly less mess and hopefully, a plan to keep it up.
I will post a challenge every day here. And if you don't start out immediately, just start with # 1 and go through them one a day.

Some DO's and DON'Ts
DO NOT try to do them all in one day.
DO what you can.
DO NOT beat yourself up for not doing enough. 3 items tossed are 3 less items of mess.
DO pat yourself on the back for doing something.

Oh, and if your house in general looks horrible, go over to Flylady, and check her out. She might be able to help you ... if you do as you're told :-)

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