Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day # 15

Magazines on the loose !
Like yesterday : go through the readily accessible parts of your sewing-room (or house), like a determined and selective whirl-wind.
Pick up every single magazine you find !
As you put them on a shelf (or in a box, or basket or wherever you keep your magazines) toss the ones you very obviously do not want any more ! Yes. I know. It is a fine thing to see a complete collection of a magazine, all ordered and beatiful on shelves in the living-room but ...
I'm sure I don't have to paint a picture, do I ?
I'll just ask : is that where you are ? is that where you'll ever be, when keeping within the real world ?
Don't spend hours going through them all today or while you do this ! That can come at another time. BUT, gathering them, and putting them all in the same place is a wonderful start to that project ! At least you won't have to guess about what you have and what you haven't and where it is.

So : Gather and put in one place.

For those of you with NO TIME : Just pick up whatever magazine/s you eyes fall on as you move through your day, and put them in the same place. Home dec. Child-care. Quilty. Whatever ! Just gather them up where they have fallen and put in the same place. At some point of your life, you will get to them ... and your job will be much easier if they are in one place rather than all over the house.

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