Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day # 19

Any and all bits of fabric that are NOT in use, i.e. are not an active part of the project/s that you actually work on (as opposed to dream about working on) will be gathered by the determined whirlwind that is yourself. Gather it ALL !!!
Don't say that you'll pick it all up up once you have thought out that perfect storing-system. You might, but do you really want to wait for that ? Besides, you have no chance of making a fair decision as to what your perfect storing-system might be, if you don't have a clue as to how much you have.
Which is why your challenge today - should you choose to take it - is to gather any and all fabrics that are on the loose in your sewing-room, and put them in one place !
If that place is each their proper place, so much the better ! but putting it all in one pile, huge or tiny, is a very good step towards reclaiming your sewing-space and of becoming aware of what you are doing and with what you are doing it.
It's no use dreaming up "That Perfect" sewing-room, and realize that you didn't take all your fabric into account.

And while you gather, have both your waste-basket and your donation-box ready, 'cause you might as well toss or put into donation the fabrics you know you'll never use. And remember : if it's because the quality is too bad : just toss it !

If you have NO TIME ! you pick up 3 stray pieces of fabric and deal with them.

You can do this !!

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