Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day # 5

Yes. It's only the second day of September, but we've had some "pre-Cinderella" days, getting things in order before starting properly.

BUT, we proceed on the floor with a repeat of day 1 :

For those of you with NO TIME !!! :
Go to your sewing-space.
Pick up 3 items from the floor.
Put away or toss.
Yep. That's enough :-) 3 items dealt with are 3 less items of chaos.

For those of you with 5-or-so minutes to spare :

Put on your music.
Go to your sewing-space, complete with waste-basket and donation-box.

* Stretch out your hand and pick up whatever is next to you on the floor.
Put away *
Repeat from * to * until song is over.
And remember "put away" can be :

1. In it's proper place
2. In the waste-basket
3. In the donation-box

If your floor is (fairly) clear and crossable, you may continue to deal with "THAT" pile (see the chore from Day # 4)
Gold-star to anyone taking 3 items from it and dealing with it.

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